Since Mother Nature is being so stingy, I decided to make my own flowers! Oh, I have also had the theme song to "Top Cat" stuck in my head for at least 3 days now....
I had a little idea.... we'll see what comes of it. This was a really great week-- my loon made it's debut on the Minnesota SCBWI website! What a thrill and an honor! I can still hardly believe it! Thanks so much to my fam and friends for all their support! Have a nice weekend!
Buff Orpingtons are really cute. I am also partial to Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Dominiques, and Brahmas. Did you know that a hen lays a fresh egg every 27 hours? And younger hens lay smaller eggs than older hens. This is not a hen, though, it is a rooster. And yes Virginia, that is a tree frog!
Thank goodness for heavy sleepers! Tonight I flipped on the light in the hallway, sat on my youngest daughter's bed, and did some sketching. I have also been working on some postcard designs to mail to publishers, and looking forward to learning as much as I can at the MNSCBWI Spring Workshop (all about promotional materials!) on April 26th. Happy Birthday to Super Sonic Sara!
This loon will soon be appearing on the Minnesota SCBWI website- many, many thanks to Christine Henderson and Sandra Mielke for asking me to draw for them- it was really a treat!
Here is a bit of something new I am working on... hoping it goes over well. I have decided that I love my black prismacolor pencil! Here's to April and melting snow!!!