Friday, November 1, 2019

Inktober 2019

These were the daily prompts this year. It had an arctic feel to me.
I knew there was going to be a husky and dragon in there somewhere. This is how it came together:

1. Ring

2. Mindless

3. Bait

4. Freeze

5. Build

6. Husky

7. Enchanted

8. Frail

9. Swing

10. Pattern

11. Snow

12. Dragon

13. Ash

14. Overgrown

15. Legend

16. Ornament (I got my days mixed-up)

17. Wild

18. Misfit

19. Sling

20. Tread

21. Treasure

22. Ghost

23. Ancient

24. Dizzy

25. Tasty

For Scale

26. Dark

27. Coat

28. Ride

29. Injured

30. Catch

31. Ripe

And there you go! I had a lot of fun including animal and plant life from the arctic tundra [polar bears, arctic fox, graylings, arctic hares, caribou, reindeer moss, cotton grass, pasque flower, ermine, narwhal, arctic bumblebee, puffin, arctic butterfly, raven, tundra swan, snow bunting, rock ptarmigan, redpoll, king eider, arctic tern, arctic willow, little auk, lemmings, arctic bearberry]. 
I wonder what next year will bring.... xoxo

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Diving into Inktober again this year and getting schooled by my pen daily. I will do a month-end post here when the challenge is over. Will post daily on twitter and instagram, too. Happy inking!

Friday, April 19, 2019

Happy Spring

It sure is nice to see the snow trade places with fresh green blades of grass. It's backyard bunny season. Turtles are back in their ponds. Springtime is here.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Hoppy New Year

Happy 2019! I'm holding my daughter's bunny in this photo (Pickles is the world's cutest 2 year-old Netherland Dwarf bunny). Little did we know that another bunny would soon be joining our family...
Joey Snowball Sprinkles is a 1.5 year-old Californian rabbit. He is such a sweet boy and we are all quite taken with him. He got neutered on Friday and is recovering nicely. He's very good at eating, loves getting his face rubbed, and is a wonderful addition to our family. We need to wait about a month for Joey's boy bunny hormones to settle down and then we hope to gradually introduce the bunnies to each other. Hope that your new year is full of sweet surprises, too! xoxo