Due to a grave error on my part, I seem to have deleted
every single image I have ever blogged since I began blogging back in February of 2008. Needless to say, I have been through a varied range of emotions today. So, please stand by as I attempt to re-upload (is that even a word?) everything. Or almost everything. I might decide to leave some things out and I am fairly certain I won't be able to locate some of it (or a lot of it). That is okay. Blogging has really just been a great way for me to journal my creative process and to get to know great illustrators and authors out there, as well as the rest of you kind people who actually come here to see what I have been up to. That fills my heart up with happiness!
When you see a little blue question mark where an image is supposed to be, just think to yourself any of the following multiple choice options:
a) "Thank goodness this isn't my blog!"
b) "I bet that was a beautiful image!"
3) "Nina sure has become quite the minimalist."
d) "Polar bear with a question in a snowstorm. Nice!"
e) "It is okay to make mistakes. Like Nina."
f) "How nice to not have so much cool art to look at. Now I have time to nap!"
g) all of the above