Not to be confused with Clarice Starling...
My favorite neighbor Jo-Anne found this little bird at her Mom's house. It had fallen from it's nest that was way too high to reach. She brought it home with her to take to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota. Jo knows I am a sucker for wildlife, so we made it a little home so it could stay the night until the clinic opened the next morning.
We did not know what kind of a bird it was, so I began to call it "Baby Herman." Baby Herman made it through the night and is now at the WRC in the hands of some of the hardest working animal lovers I have ever met. I had a rotation at the WRC when I was in vet tech school- it was so cool! I loved working with the birds, terrapins, baby squirrels, and even got to feed a mealworm to a bat! Visit the WRC website to learn more about what they do!