Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dragon Fly

If you have recently found yourself thinking, "Gee, I sure wish I had a dragon flying across my desktop," this is the post for you. I was inspired by Ingvard the Terrible, a fierce and talented artist (who kindly gave me the skinny on making wallpaper). Visit his blog, follow him on twitter, and check him out on facebook because he is the coolest! This is also a new one for me because I plunked this painting right on top of a photo I snapped of blue summer sky and happy clouds. You can download this wallpaper over at my flickr set. Have a groovy day while you're at it!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Father's Day

Happy (almost) Father's Day to all the Great Dads out there!!! Sending a great big thank you to the lovely ladies over at The Sketchables for inviting me to contribute this seahorse sketch!!!
In other news: my fam just returned from a fun trip to Disney World, summer vacation has begun, I have a new project in the works, and Cedric and the Dragon was just honored with a Mom's Choice Gold Award! Hooray!!! You still have time to win a copy of the book (signed by Betty and myself) if you hop on over to facebook and "like" Cedric! The two lucky winners will be announced on June 18th! Happy Summer!!! :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I never really know what you are supposed to write when you get this kind of reply card...

The "M _____________" part mostly made sense, but I never know what to do with "__________ of _________ ." That's a toughie. You can see where I added an ( 's ) later on the Crittenden so that "party of four" would work. I hope they don't notice...

Congratulations, Shannon and Ryan!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cedric and the Giveaway

Hello, Friends! To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Cedric and the Dragon being published, Betty Raum and I are hosting a giveaway on facebook. All you need to do is "like" Cedric and The Dragon by June 18th for a chance to win one of two books signed by the both of us. Fun, right?
Happy Reading!!! Happy Drawing!!! Happy Writing!!! Happy June!!!