Friday, February 24, 2012

P's and Q's

Here's a little peek at what I am working on right now. I am actually watching my P's and Q's! haha It has been fun lately experimenting with more hand lettering. While I'll freely admit that I am not a lettering genius, I do enjoy it. So, I was drawing the other day and started thinking about it... isn't it amazing to think that you can take an idea that it is in your head and make it a real thing? You can write it down, type it, sketch it, sculpt it, build it, mold it, paint it, carve it, sing it, film it, play it, and/or tell it in endless combinations... We are all creating things every day and most of us don't even realize it, isn't that exciting?


Christina Rodriguez said...

Nice! Hand lettering is one tough skill to master. I applaud your efforts. If you want to go crazy, check out the work by my friend Chandler: All of the lettering in her art is drawn by hand.

Michaele Razi said...

So cool! Perfect post for me today!

John Lechner said...

Hand lettering is really hard to do, but it looks like you've got the write stuff! I agree about creating things, it's really amazing when you think about it.

Nina Crittenden said...

Christina, Chandler's work is amazing!
Happy to help, Michaele! ;)
Very punny, John! hee hee